Hardcover Hookup 应用

Hardcover Hookup 1.0
Hardcover Hookup
Have used textbooks laying around? HardcoverHookup can help! We are a FREE textbook exchange platform trying toredesign how students buy and sell textbooks. Call us Tinder fortextbooks by seeing how far away a textbook is away from you inkilometres.We understand how busy students lives are and how expensiveuniversity life can be, so Hardcover Hookup created an app to makestudents life easier and more affordable.The issue with buying and reselling your textbooks to the campusbook store is you pay a premium but only get 10% of the originalpurchase price upon reselling. While the less expensivealternative, buying textbooks online, involves long wait times andexpensive shipping and duty costs.How Hardcover Hookup works:Selling1. When selling a textbook, simply scan the bar code and all thetextbook information will appear. No need to take a picture, writea description or provide any other textbook information; it's allprovided.2. Just type in the desired selling price and the condition of thebook3. Now everyone in your area can search for that listingBuying1. When buying a textbook, search by title, ISBN or scan thebarcode.2. Listing in your local area will appear with kilometres away fromyou.3. Once a match has been made, chat with the seller inside theapp